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Wissensarbeiter sind (formal) gut ausgebildete Fachleute, die im Zuge ihrer professionellen Tätigkeit im Wertschöpfungsprozess hauptsächlich Wissen entwickeln, anwenden und teilen. Wissensarbeiter sehen sich meist mit kaum oder unklar definierten Aufgabenstellungen, fehlenden Strukturen im Arbeitsprozess und einem nicht klar absehbaren Ergebnis konfrontiert.[1]


  • "Knowledge workers use their intellect to convert their ideas into products, services, or processes." (Nagananda Kumar)
  • "Their main value to an organization is their ability to gather and analyze information and make decisions that will benefit the company. They are able to work collaboratively with and learn from each other; they are willing to take risks, expecting to learn from their mistakes rather than be criticized for them." (Miller WC)
  • "Their main value to an organization is their ability to gather and analyze information and make decisions that will benefit the company. They are able to work collaboratively with and learn from each other; they are willing to take risks, expecting to learn from their mistakes rather than be criticized for them." (Rogoski RR)
  • "Knowledge workers are continually learning, aware that knowledge has a limited shelf life." (Allee. V)
  • "By my definition, true knowledge workers have high degrees of expertise, education, or experience. Creating, distributing, or applying knowledge is not just a part of their jobs; it is the primary purpose of their jobs. In other words, they think for a living." (Tom Davenport)
  • "knowledge workers are people whose primary job is to do something with knowledge: to create it, distribute it, apply it." (Tom Davenport)
  • "knowledge work comes in many different varieties. Call centre operators are knowledge

workers. So too are management consultants, software engineers and teachers. What works in one context may backfire terribly in another."

Kriterien für Wissensarbeiter

  • A problem solver versus a production worker;
  • A person who uses intellectual rather than manual skills to earn a living;
  • An individual who requires a high level of autonomy;
  • A manipulator of symbols; someone paid for quality of judgement rather than speed of work;
  • A worker who uses unique processes;
  • Someone who possesses un-codified knowledge which is difficult to duplicate;
  • A worker who sources between his ears;
  • Someone who uses knowledge and information to add to deeper knowledge and information."
  • "For one thing, knowledge workers don’t like to be told what to do. They often know more than their bosses do about their particular type of work, and they don’t feel anyone else can or should tell them how to go about doing it."
  • "much of knowledge work is invisible—it goes on inside their heads—and the flow of knowledge work is difficult to structure and predict."
  • "These workers also work best when working with others in social networks."
  • "Knowledge work is often invisible."

Arten von Wissensarbeitern

  • Core Knowledge Workers
    • Chief Information Officers
    • Chieg Knowledge Officers
    • Knowledge Managers
    • Librarians
    • Content Managers
    • Information Officers
    • Knowledge Analysts
  • "Other" Knowledge Workers
    • lawyers
    • diplomats
    • law makers
    • marketeers
    • software developers
    • manager
    • banker

Tätigkeiten eines Wissensarbeiters

Wissensarbeiter führen meist eine oder mehrere folgender wissensintensiver Tätigkeiten aus:[2]

  • Entscheiden
  • Entwickeln
  • Forschen
  • Konstruieren

Produktivität von Wissensarbeitern

Siehe auch




  1. D-A-CH Wissensmanagement Glossar. URL: http://wm-wiki.wikispaces.com/D-A-CH+Wissensmanagement+Glossar, abgerufen am 09.06.2012.
  2. Hall, A.: Tätigkeiten und berufliche Anforderungen in wissensintensiven Berufen. URL: http://www.bmbf.de/pubRD/sdi-03-07.pdf, abgerufen am 09.06.2012.